Ireo Skyon Price
Ireo Skyon Price can vary based on many factors, namely, the specific apartment location, floor, number of parking spaces and whether the club house has been opted in or out and facing of the apartment. Apart from this, the price can vary based on factors like if you are acquiring the apartment in primary or secondary market. In case of a non sun facing apartment the price would be different as compared to a Sun Facing apartment. Also in case of a Non Green/Park Facing the price would be different from a Park Facing Apartment. Apart from this, there are difference in the prices based on the Floor, for e.g. a lot of people now prefer middle to higher floors and may avoid the ground floor, so the price for Ireo Skyon Apartments may differ based on the floor. In case of the 4 Bedroom High Rise Tower, the price even may change on the basis of the views offered on the Higher floors and the specific unit numbers as well. As far as the facing of the apartment goes, the prices may vary based on Vaastu preferences of individual buyers as well.
While there is some difference in the Resale Price for Ireo Skyon and the Original Booking Price for Ireo Skyon, however, it is subjective to specific apartment sizes and unit. Our team can help you find ideal deals both for Ireo Skyon in Resale and if you prefer to go with the direct booking of Ireo Skyon at the best possible deals price.
Our senior team members are located within Skyon, so are clued in to the best deals that are available for sale in Ireo Skyon as well as well well connected with years of association with the developer organization to get you the best deal in Ireo Skyon. Please feel free to connect with us for site visits and more details.
Why Prices of Ireo Skyon are Moving Up?
What makes the prices for a residential community tick? Is it the construction quality? Is it the overall Maintenance? Or is there some other reason which makes prices move upwards? Lets explore why prices of Ireo Skyon community in Gurgaon is poised to make quick upward leaps in the prices.
Construction Quality:
Ireo may be going through some turbulent times at the moment, however, if we talk about the overall construction quality of Ireo Projects, Ireo Skyon definitely is considered to be one of the better constructed projects not only amongst the Ireo Projects, but even on a generic platform compared to other residential communities in Gurgaon. Some very important things that are available at Ireo Skyon but not in other communities are things like Double Glazed Glass all across the apartment, The high ceiling height, Large Windows and Glass Usage, Spacious Balconies, Large Room Sizes, Large Central Greens, Good Quality Recreational Facilities, Choice of Materials Used,. Ireo Skyon addresses all these and more. Some of the best materials which are not even visible like the electrical wires, the electric panels, the power back up equipment etc. have been used at Ireo Skyon by Ireo to deliver quality.
Under-Priced with huge Upward Potential:
Ireo Skyon lagged behind in terms of prices of comparable properties around the prime vicinity of Golf Course Extn. Road for a few reasons, while the property itself is absolutely great, there were a few other factors because of which the prices were subdued. The good news is that with many new positive changes being done at the community, it is soon to catch up with the rest of the market. So as an investor, one could see two interesting price benefits, firstly, the price benefit of recovering from Under-Priced to Real Value Price and then further time linked price movement. That makes this a very interesting buy in current times.
Location Advantage:
In a growing city like Gurgaon, the newer developments happen further from the city centre, so the advantage of being closer to the city center or the downtown area is always likely to keep the prices ticking for properties like Ireo Skyon, which is located just minutes from the downtown of Gurgaon- The Golf Course Road.
Future Infrastructure Developments:
Mature real estate investors have always advocated that for capital appreciation one should invest in areas which have a promise of future infrastructure developments rather than investing in areas which are already developed and established. While the appreciation in the mature real estate locations would only have the time related appreciation, on the other hand, the less mature locations with possible triggers of fresh infrastructure developments planned, underway or upcoming would reap better returns.
Pro-Active & Stable RWA:
In the Indian context and in the context of Gurgaon, it has been noted that a residential community with a Pro-Active & stable RWA is likely to see more positive changes in the community and therefore making it more liveable and inhabitable. The more positively pro-active the RWA, the better for the community. Fortunately, Ireo Skyon RWA (SCOWA) is one of the most Pro-Active and Stable RWA which has been making consistent positive moves for making lives better for the residents and for uplifting the community in many ways. At the end of the day, we are all people and we are looking for good places to live and willing to pay a price for a comfortable and good living.
Recent Developments:
In addition to the positive moves stated above, in one of the latest developments, Ireo Skyon came under the MCG (Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon), which is another positive move as now the responsibility of necessities like Water, Street Lighting and Common Roads etc, falls under the MCG preview.

Harpreet Thukral
Resident Realtor @ Ireo Skyon
20 Years of Real Estate Transaction Management experience. Lives in Ireo Skyon and has confirmed deals available. Crisp Communication with honest advice and dealings.
Mob: 9818988111